Tuesday, August 5, 2008

another post because I just feel so good:

Oh, today was a busy one after I last wrote! Rehab went well, I didn’t walk on the treadmill at all because my back was hurting me too much, but I did everything else I was doing before I went in the hospital with EASE and on 3 liters of oxygen instead of 4 (my O2 sats even stayed around 94, and they were below 90 before)! I was very happy. After that I swung by the apartment to eat a quick bowl of cereal and then went out to Todd’s dad’s house for dinner. I even walked around the hilly yard for a while in the heat without my oxygen and did fine! It’s amazing that I didn’t even have to take a nap today! I feel GREAT! I know the tests don’t show it, but I really benefited from those two weeks in the hospital (I hate admitting that). I’m just finishing up a treatment now and then going to eat another time tonight. I’m really going to have to work hard at maintaining my weight if I plan to be more active, which I do plan to do!

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